Now you can instantly notify people around you when your going on a coffee run, or share you run via web link. Friends can submit their orders directly to your mobile device. Manage your run by stopping order taking, messaging users or kicking orders off your list. When you’re ready to go click “Let’s Go” to see where your orders are physically located and the closest McDonalds. When you get back just click “Complete” to notify everyone where their coffee orders are.
Likewise, wish you had a McCafe coffee, but you can’t leave the office. Maybe someone else is going, when you enter your locations of interest, you will receive a notification when someone else is going on a coffee run. Just press “I’m IN” and your order is submitted to the runner.
Great for that morning commute to work, press Run, then selection your saved work location, other user with that saved location who are also commuting to work will receive notification that your getting coffee this morning. No having to remember everyone's coffee or picking up coffee for people home sick, your co-workers have to send their orders to you. Press Stop Order to close off the order taking, then click Let Go to automatically update co-workers with you progress. When your done, press Complete the notify everyone their coffee has arrived.
McRun also integrations with Google Places & Directions to provide users with McDonald's locations near them as well as their ratings and directions.
Please send all feedback and feature requests to